When my folks were up a few weeks ago, they managed to convince me to go home for a quick visit. With my mom standing over my shoulder, I booked a ticket home an hour or so before I was to drive them to the airport.
I’ve been somewhat reluctant to go home, even for a visit, if only because I’m starting to get really comfortable with my life up here, in Mariposa. I miss Toronto less than I used to, even though I can hardly wait to go back. Calgary, I rarely, if ever, miss.
When I first moved to Mariposa, I felt isolated. Completely isolated. Now, however, I’ve come to find comforts where they can be found. I’m more comfortable with grabbing a coffee and hanging out on my balcony, watching Riel as he entertains all of the elderly folk who come and go from the building. I often see them in the hallway, and they’ll smile while telling me about the conversation they had with him. It’s hard not to enjoy this simple pleasure.
I’m also starting to become okay with spending a night in, over going out. I still like going for drives, but even they are becoming less frequent an occurrence. I find myself reminding myself that I’ve got things to do, and so it’s probably best that I just grab a six-pack, if it’s a weekend-night, and get a few things done.
I haven’t really done much since school finished, two months ago. During the school year I had big plans for my upcoming commitment-free summer, but I haven’t really taken advantage of the time. I haven’t been writing, reading, or travelling. I’ve mostly been simply passing my time, going from one non-event to the next. I have to say, it’s been incredibly pleasant.
When I get back from Calgary, I’ll have to start preparing to move. In the midst of all that noise, I’d like to think that I’ll get some things checked off of my summer’s to-do list, but I’m not holding my breath.
Anyway, Calgary, I’ll be visiting for six days. My parents have a long agenda for me, but I certainly hope that we can reconnect, catch up, and have a few good laughs together.
Why did I book a 7:00 am flight from Pearson?
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