Name an attraction or town close to home that you still haven’t got around to visiting.
I’m embarrassed to admit that I’ve never been to New York City. For most of my adult life, I’ve lived close enough to take a train or short-haul flight. Once, I took a road trip to upstate New York, but still didn’t make it to NYC. I don’t know what’s stopping me from going.
I’ve been told that I’d like the city, that it’d suit me. I don’t know what that means exactly, though, because I would think that a city as big as New York would be quite diverse. There must be pockets for every type of person and a podium for every interest. Toronto manages to that pretty well and New York has about three times as many people.
The only way to know if I like it is to go and visit. I want to walk around New York, take the subway, eat a slice of pizza, and go to a jazz club. I also want to hear the real, true New York accent. There seem to be a lot of convenience stores in the city, too. Maybe I’ll need milk late at night.
It wouldn’t take much for me to get there. I’m sure Hannah would love to visit again. In fact, she could probably show me a few things. It’s just a matter of getting it done.