Tag: Musings

  • April 25, 2023

    April 25, 2023

    I had a booth at a marketplace today. It was a work thing. As part of the conference, there was a “marketplace” where we presented on how we use technology in our classrooms.

  • I asked what it’s like to be white

    I asked what it’s like to be white

    It must’ve come as quite a surprise when I raised my hand at the meeting and asked, “What is it like to be white?” I’d been preparing myself to ask the question since the last meeting a month ago. For the last few weeks, I’ve been updating a document I started to keep my thoughts…

  • Weekly Update | February 20, 2023

    Weekly Update | February 20, 2023

    I’m really hoping to start making more videos. I know, I know, I’ve said this before, but this time, like every other time, I’m serious.

  • Accounting for what I said

    Accounting for what I said

    I said something to someone that I shouldn’t have. I was reacting instead of responding. Intentions aren’t measured, only outcomes. I need to apologize and I will. I have needed to apologize in the past. Sometimes I have. I need to change that. I should always apologize when I should. I need to be more…

  • How we’re seen

    How we’re seen

    It seemed as though I was being reminded today that it’s easier to see the strength and good quality of others than it is to see in ourselves.

  • Music vs TV

    Music vs TV

    I don’t know how to find the cable channels that I pay for. There should be 30 that I have access to among the 9999 in the guide. I’m not bothered, though.

  • Hallways are an interesting place

    Hallways are an interesting place

    A lot more happens in hallways than we are often aware of.

  • Incomplete Thoughts on Ideas

    Incomplete Thoughts on Ideas

    It’s a wonder, isn’t it, that an idea was ever had at all. Whence did one, any one, originate? How, pray tell, did it arrive? For how long, no one knows, will it stay?

  • Counting down the days to 2021

    Counting down the days to 2021

    Since winter break started, I’ve been counting down the days until 2021. Friday morning will be the turning point. It’s the day that everything will become better. In my head.

  • Take the pictures you want to take

    Take the pictures you want to take

    Faizal Westcott, in his video, “Is Street Photography With No People Still Street Photography?” says: “street photography is capturing the human presence.” With this definition, the answer to the question in the title is, “yes.” Westcott then uses the work of Fred Herzog to substantiate his point. Herzog, Westcott says, expresses the human experience in…

  • Video Diaries

    Video Diaries

    For a while now, I’ve been trying to figure out what unique perspective I can share with the world through video. Over the summer, I was posting videos on YouTube of me running around Toronto taking pictures. I tried doing a few reviews of pens and different tech before that, but those didn’t really work…