It’s ten after seven in the evening, and I’m exhausted. I just drove thirty minutes each way to get a coffee from Starbucks, because my coffee maker has had enough for the week, and I’m still tired. I mean, I’ve been up since noon, so, really, it’s not so bad to feel tired by now.

My parents were kind enough to buy me a laptop, so I’m able to write this post while laying under the covers of my queen sized bed. I was laying on the couch, but Riel decided that he’d like some room on it, making it decidedly difficult for me to use a computer while laying there. Plus, I don’t have a blanket for my couch. Maybe I’ll pick one up during the upcoming holiday season.
I didn’t do much this weekend. I haven’t set an alarm for three days! For the last three days, I’ve been doing what I fancy, when I fancy. You wanna know what’s strangest about these past three days? I didn’t mind being in this (tiny) little town, with all of the shops closing early, if they’re even open, and nothing to do but drink coffee and beer – during appropriate times of the day – on my balcony.
I, somehow, enjoyed the silence.
Maybe my lethargy is the result of some sort of laziness-interia. That’s gotta be a thing. Real people must get tired because they’re doing nothing, just like me.
I know that I’m staring at a busy three weeks, and maybe this is me charging my batteries before those three weeks begin in a short 11 hours. Whatever the case, I’m quite happy with how I’ve spent the last three days, even if it means losing an hour or two of sleep each night for the next four days. It’s been a long time since I’ve really been able to enjoy my own company.
Maybe I’ll get out of bed and grab one last drink with myself. Or, and much more likely, I’ll put on a movie and watch it while laying in bed.
It really was a weekend to be thankful for.
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