Last week, I bought a fair bit of wood. If nothing else, I spent a good bit of money on felled trees. That was an entirely new experience for me.
Because I got the wood, I bought new tools, the big one being a router and router table. I’m having to learn how to use them all.
I bought a miter lock router bit and I spent a good three hours messing around with it until I ended up with a decently jointing edge.
I tried milling the Black Walnut on the table saw tonight. It produced a lot of smoke, so I’m going to have to figure out how to fix that.
All of this to make boxes. I drafted a plan on paper, created a CAD model, and have dreamt of these boxes. It feels like I’m having to learn a lot to get my vision to come together and to do it well. That’s a big part of the challenge that I enjoy so much.