The heart-shaped puzzles have proved to be a small hit. Tonight, I tried to print a few. It didn’t go so well.
Using the laser engraver has been a learning curve. From relearning Illustrator to adjusting the necessary settings on the engraver to managing the smoke and odour produced when engraving and cutting, there’s been a lot to consider. Solving one problem leads to another, as they do.
Tonight, my two big issues were that the pieces didn’t cut all the way through because the laser cutting settings were wrong, and the smoke from the engraving and cutting is creating an unhealthy environment. These are fairly significant problems.

I’ve been pissing around, trying to figure out a DIY solution to these problems. I ended up buying a solution tonight, because I can’t afford to wait any longer or use an incomplete solution. The costs for operating this thing are mounting.
The challenge of getting this right is motivating me. I have an idea of what I want to achieve, I can envision the potential. Bringing all of the right pieces together to create something that I conjured up is rewarding. Overcoming the hurdles seems to only encourage me to keep trying, to push further, to explore something new.
These are the types of problems I enjoy most, those that run tangential to your interests. These STEAM type of problems set my mind thinking. It’s a creative outlet with a physical product.
I have to admit to being surprised at my own response to these frustrations.
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