The words aren’t…I want to write

I just can’t seem to get something written down that reads the way I’m thinking. I’m having a hard time figuring out what it is that I want to say. The words just aren’t coming together, that is after I manage to find them.

I want to write a piece about how writing gives meaning to our lives. I also want to write about how planning out a post is beneficial. Of course, the plan for that post doesn’t make any sense. I never plan my posts, but I want to so it’s worth writing about.

I use “I” too much in my writing.

The challenge in writing lies in having the reader read the way the author wants to be read. Effectively communicating a message to readers involves conveying the right amount of information, in the right order, using the right words, in the right amount of space and time. It’s really hard to do this well.

The cursor has been blinking in the same spot for a good six minutes at this point.

I bought a book today. Now that stores are open in the city, there are long lineups on the sidewalks. I ordered the book online but still had to wait a while for curbside pickup. The book is The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. A friend recommended it to me. She’s the one who introduced me to Morning Pages, which I’m a big fan of.

It’s a 12-week program. My plan is to document my progress through the course. Keep an eye out for that.


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