What are the pros and cons of procrastination?

Procrastination is proportional to priority. My priorities are measured against an arbitrary standard of interest. What I’ll procrastinate on is entirely dependent on my mood.

I’ve noticed that I’ll respond to my parents’ text messages quicker when they ask me to do something than when they are just checking in. I’m more inclined to do something if it benefits someone else. Guilt is a motivating factor. I was one of those students who rarely did their homework in good time; I just accepted late marks as a cost while completing my Bachelor of Education.

I have difficulty completing tasks that take longer than one sitting. Some tasks can be completed in parts, and I’m okay with them. The tasks that can’t be, I struggle with. Writing, for example, is one of those tasks that can’t really be broken up into separate chunks. A piece of writing is a single whole. Cleaning can be separated into individual tasks — each room is self-contained.

I’ve been trying to write these Bloganuary blog posts in the spare moments between things and it’s going okay. I don’t particularly like cleaning so I tend to put it off.

It really does come down to interest for me. There are so few things in this life that actually have to get done. Most things are assigned a value based on some metric that’s been assigned from a force outside ourselves. It’s easy to procrastinate on these things because they’re true meaning is not our own. It’s hard to put off the things you ought to do for yourself.


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