I like the way the English speak. For whatever reason, I’ve come to enjoy the British temperament. My favourite comedies are British. Besides, what man, in his right mind, wouldn’t want to be swooned by a beautiful British woman? Or, at least listen to her while she speaks to another man, and dream it were him?
So, I’ve assumed the name Bernard Walter. Wikipedia says that the name Walter is German in origin, but I like it.
I’ve started this blog because I’ve decided to write under a pseudonym. I used to blog under my real name, but I thought it would be a good idea to disassociate myself from what I write on the internet. It is, after all, a very scary place.
This blog will consist largely of stories from my life, and other things that I write about. I’ll be about that clear on everything.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog, because I’m very much looking forward to writing it!
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