Tag: Arts & Culture

  • April 7, 2024

    Without question, I am overstimulated. My head is always buzzing and relaxing is difficult. All weekend I’ve been between my computer and laser cutter trying to get the dimensions of the damn pencil box correct. I thought I was getting closer, but I might be further away. I have to take a break from it.

  • February 9, 2024

    I went to see the Sam Roberts band tonight with a couple of friends. It’s been a while since I’ve been to a concert or listened to Sam Roberts. It was funny to see how many people pulled out their phones when a song from 20 years ago came on. I resisted the urge for…

  • July 9, 2023

    July 9, 2023

    I was only five or six years old when I started crying at the sight of an animated octopus-witch. My grade one class went to the class next door to watch The Little Mermaid. I had to leave the room, I was in such a fit. I spent the rest of the movie at my…

  • July 6, 2023

    July 6, 2023

    My girlfriend took up painting recently, and it’s only in the last couple of weeks that she’s started to share her work with me. I want to take some credit for her new artistic pursuit because I suggested we paint on our second date. She still has that painting on her wall.

  • Scriptus 2022

    Scriptus 2022

    I didn’t get up as early as I would’ve liked to today but I still made it to Scriptus, a stationery show. It was quite nice, save for the number of people filling the room. I bought one thing — a folio for storing pens. The show (more of an exhibition, really) was a good…

  • Visiting the AGO Again

    Visiting the AGO Again

    It was so nice to go to the Art Gallery of Ontario tonight. It’s something that I’ve been missing for too long. I was anxious to get there, and I left feeling relaxed and satisfied. Art is a powerful thing.

  • You Can Also Write When You’re Sober

    You Can Also Write When You’re Sober

    Drinking and writing went hand-in-hand for me, but now I need to learn how to write while sober. It’s a promising prospect.

  • You Have to Have Created Something

    You Have to Have Created Something

    As the summer is coming to a close, I find myself in a strange state of mind. The weather is noticeably cooler and the streets are busier, but there’s this sense that things are about to be so much more different than they were a short six months ago. It was March then, the start…

  • Oh, O’Keeffe

    I went to go see the Georgia O’Keeffe exhibition last Friday night. I was hoping to have gone with someone but, as it turns out, I’m really glad that I went on my own. It was great to be alone, standing amongst a small crowd, with the pieces on display.

  • Art Battle

    Last night, my cousin invited me to an art event. It was an art battle: two rounds of eight artists painting for 20 minutes. Two winners from each of the rounds competed in a third round for the championship. It was a pretty entertaining event. I’d go again.

  • Day 20 of 30

    My umbrella got wet today. That’s what happens when I use it in the rain. I went for a bit of a walk to run some errands in the evening.

  • Day 19 of 30

    For all that my experience as an exchange student in Finland was, I walked away from the experience with an appreciation for visual arts. It was during my time there that I took my first art class, bought my first SLR camera, and took my first photography class. I also visited the Fernando Botero exhibition…