March 5, 2024

I’ve got to figure out a way to map out the project ideas that I have for myself. I’d be surprised if this is the first time you’ve read about this. It’s been a problem for as long as I can remember. Trouble is, I haven’t got a plan for how to fix it.

SANA Stationery & Gifts has been more than a small business for me. It’s a creative outlet, cathartic release, and healthy distraction. What I haven’t done with it yet is solidify what my objective with the business is. Making pens isn’t going to be enough.

It seems like every day, I wake up with a new idea. Just before sitting down to write this post, Hannah gave me another idea. It’ll be recorded in my fading memory until it’s written down somewhere. Even then, there’s no system in place to ensure that that note is read again. The day timer I bought at the start of the year is mostly empty, too.

Tonight, I didn’t make it to the shop but I did get some work done. I tested out laser engraving and cutting on a piece of wood that’s been painted with acrylic paint. It worked out okay, except for some ash marks smearing along the edges of the engraving. I started working on another puzzle, this one has an Easter theme. It’s getting too complicated so I’ll need to reassess my approach. I also 3D printed another set of test connections for the router template I want to print. As I write this, the next set of test connections is printing.

Next week, I’d like to sit down and figure out what all needs to get done and then get to doing it. It’d be really helpful to have a plan.


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