January 31, 2024

What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?

Right now, the thing that I’m most scared to do that I also want to do is take a leave from work and focus on building up SANA Stationery & Gifts. I want to make a real go of it and see if I can’t get it to go somewhere. Alas, I’m not much of a risk-taker so the prospect of doing something like this is absolutely terrifying to me.

To do this, I’d need a good financial safety net. Basically, I need to save a fair bit of money if I’m going to be able to afford such an attempt. For more than the last little while, I’ve been thinking about how I can put enough money away. I’d need to start soon if I want to make this happen sooner rather than later.

In some ways, I think that my fear is an indication of how much I care about doing it. I wouldn’t have anything to be afraid of if I were able to turn away from the idea. Instead, I think about it, slowly building up a plan. Eventually, I’ll have to courage to set forth on that plan.


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