October 3, 2023

I gave my students “toilet tokens” today. Last night, I printed off some miniature toilets on my 3D printer and each of my students in one of my classes one. I’ve had enough of them leaving class every single day.

I started math class by writing “Toilet Training” on the board. We then discussed when an appropriate time to use the washroom is during class, how to ask politely, and how to read an analogue clock – they need to write down the time when they check out. It was difficult to keep a straight face during the discussion but I also had to demonstrate to them just how serious I am about the issue.

At the beginning of each week, I’ll make sure that they each have one token. That’s all they’re going to get for the week. They can’t bank them, either.

I hope this helps a bit with keeping the students in class and not wandering the halls. I can appreciate how boring it must be to listen to me for so long each day but there’s also the learning that needs to take place. This might be a fun way to get them to regulate themselves.


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