Tag: School

  • June 18, 2024

    I gave my grade eight class some pencil boxes today. I often feel like giving gifts to my students at the end of the year, so I do. It was amazing to watch them try to put them together. For the most part, they struggled, providing every reason for more STEAM programming. I was shocked…

  • May 1, 2024

    I donated a pen to our school’s biggest fundraiser of the year, Falcon Fest. Earlier this year, I ran the book fair. Just last week, a popcorn sale took place to support one of the clubs. Since the fall, two fundraising lunches have taken place during the week – Subway sandwiches and PizzaPizza pizza. Then,…

  • March 7, 2024

    Only one more sleep until March Break.

  • March 6, 2024

    Noises are muffled on the left side of my head. It feels like there’s cotton wool jammed into my left ear. I think I’m getting sick. With March Break only two sleeps away, my body might be preparing for the slow down. This has happened in the past, me getting sick at the beginning of…

  • March 6, 2024

    Noises are muffled on the left side of my head. It feels like there’s cotton wool jammed into my left ear. I think I’m getting sick. With March Break only two sleeps away, my body might be preparing for the slow down. This has happened in the past, me getting sick at the beginning of…

  • January 3, 2024

    What colleges have you attended? Listing off the schools that I’ve attended probably won’t be all that interesting to read. Well, I guess, it might be more interesting than what you’re about to read if what I write next is not of interest to you. The most interesting schooling experience that I’ve had was when…

  • October 10, 2023

    I learned something about myself today that I already knew. See, I was given the day to clean a room of the library. Just the one room. It was a mess, filled with loose cables and broken computers. Spending the day working on just the one task reminded me of how I work best when…

  • October 3, 2023

    I gave my students “toilet tokens” today. Last night, I printed off some miniature toilets on my 3D printer and each of my students in one of my classes one. I’ve had enough of them leaving class every single day.

  • September 22, 2023

    One of my students asked me how I’m doing this afternoon. I told him, and the rest of the class, that I’ve been in a terrible mood for the last couple of weeks and can’t figure out why. We joked about how it was probably because of school and them, the class. Truthfully, I don’t…

  • September 12, 2023

    Just outside the school, there are two bus stops. It’s really annoying to have to stop at the south end of the school yard and then again at the north end when following a city bus that’s dropping off students. The staff parking lot is a right turn after the bus stop to the north.…

  • August 31, 2023

    I’m not ready for the new school year to begin. I went to school today for a few hours but didn’t get enough done. Going in tomorrow is going to be a pain. After work, I went to the workshop, where I managed to finish an order that I’ve been working on.

  • August 29, 2023

    It finally happened: we went to school today. Yesterday morning, we opted to stay in bed. This morning, we got ourselves up and out. Hannah even woke up early enough to go for a run.