There wasn’t a line to get to the security checkpoint at Calgary airport. I walked up, presented my boarding pass on my phone, it was scanned and I was let through. After being directed to the only line with other people in it, I began to fill the shallow white plastic bins with my belongings. I put whatever’s in my pockets into my ball cap.
After scanning my boarding pass for a second time, I was directed to the metal detection section while my belongings were sent for X-rays. I had to wait for no one to finish for about a minute before being asked to go for a full-body scan. The regular metal detector was unused.
I went through and was then told to outstretch only my left hand. My watch has triggered an alarm. After the most targeted of pat downs, I was given permission to gather my belongings.
Before collecting anything, I asked why I was sent for the full-body scan. I was told that that’s what happens now. I asked if everyone has to go through it and I was told they did. I said I was asking because I’ve never been sent through one before. I lied.
As I was collecting my belongings, I kept an eye on the metal detection station. About half a dozen people and a small, yappy dog went through. All of them through the metal detector. None of them were directed toward a full body scan. I stared long and hard at the security personnel, making sure they noticed and felt my gaze. I wanted, so badly, to ask why I was lied to but I’m trying to work on being a better, more compassionate, and patient person.
While waking away, feeling dejected and powerless, I raised my arms away from my waist and let them fall as I sighed heavily.
When I got the gate, I found out my flight is delayed. They’re waiting for flight attendants to arrive.
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