I found a typewriter

A lot of waste is produced at school. I’ve been trying to clean up our inventory of computers so I’ve been contributing a lot of e-waste. The other day, I was dropping off some monitors when I saw a typewriter. Of course, I had to take a closer look.

I took the typewriter back to my office to plug it in and test it out. Lo and behold, it worked! So, I brought it home. There’s enough in my apartment already but this was something that I couldn’t pass up.

I’ve been wanting to write more so I’m taking this as a sign. I have no idea what I’m going to write but it’s still a sign, a nudge, an omen.

Writing on a typewriter is its own experience. The analogue nature of it is inspiring. It requires a focus that typing on a computer keyboard just doesn’t. Mistakes are harder to correct than they are on a computer. Even line breaks require your attention. To write with a typewriter, you have to be fully invested in what you are doing. It’s amazing to hear a bell that it’s a notification on my phone.

I’m excited to see what I type up on this thing. It’s going to be great. That I know.





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