I started in my current role as the teacher-librarian at our school a couple of years ago. To get information out, I have to send broadcast emails to all of the staff, and I try to make them interesting to read. The email I sent earlier this week has gotten a lot of positive feedback. A few people have told me that reading my emails makes them smile. Hearing this makes me feel good.
This got me thinking about this blog and why I don’t — or can’t — write in the same way. Or, maybe I do but the audience and content are different. It might be that my writing style is better suited to writing emails than blog posts. I’m a little dismayed with this notion.
At work, I have a captive audience, a targeted message, and a report with the people I work with. This blog is open to anyone with an internet connection if they can find it. Advertising a post on Instagram only lets people know that one is published but they don’t need to read it.
I’ve always been more than a little wayward with the content on this blog. It’s been more a repository than a curated collection. My half-hearted attempts at giving this space some direction have all failed. These days, I’m trying not to fight for something more clearly defined and allowing myself to just accept it for what it is.
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