Tag: Photography

  • January 3, 2024

    What colleges have you attended? Listing off the schools that I’ve attended probably won’t be all that interesting to read. Well, I guess, it might be more interesting than what you’re about to read if what I write next is not of interest to you. The most interesting schooling experience that I’ve had was when…

  • April 5, 2023

    April 5, 2023

    I’ve been humming and hawing over buying a lightbox for several months. It’s not the cost so much as the idea that it’s a bit unnecessary. I thought I could build my own or just use a large sheet of white poster paper. I tried both. Both worked. The lightbox just feels more convenient. I…

  • European round top pen and video views

    European round top pen and video views

    I made this pen about a week ago. I like it but it’s not a style of pen that I would use, I don’t think. In other news, I’m not sure what’s going on with the YouTube algorithm but my view count is way up. I keep checking it, thinking it’s not right. I’m excited…

  • New lightbox and a walnut pen

    New lightbox and a walnut pen

    I was only able to make one pen today. My lever for the tailstock of my lathe broke just over a week ago. It’s an easy problem to work around but it’s a nuisance. It took me at least a couple of hours, I think, to fix my self-centring vise today — the knob to…

  • Virage fountain pen | Wenge wood with gold hardware

    Virage fountain pen | Wenge wood with gold hardware

    Fountain pens are just fantastic. I think everybody should own one. And, use it.

  • Posting pictures of pens

    Posting pictures of pens

    One of the nicest things about making and selling pens is that it brings together a lot of my interests. Taking pictures of the pens I make has proven to be somewhat challenging. I’ve fallen into a bit of a pattern — developing a style — but there’s still plenty of room for improvement. It…

  • Pictures from Margaretsville, Nova Scotia

    Pictures from Margaretsville, Nova Scotia

  • Pictures from Peggy’s Cove 1

    Pictures from Peggy’s Cove 1

    My dad and I went on a road trip to the Maritimes. Neither of us had been before. I’m planning to post some pictures as I edit them.

  • This is my life now.

    This is my life now.

  • $600 4×6 Photo

    $600 4×6 Photo

    One 4×6 photo cost me $600. It’s a picture that I took. I probably won’t even put it in a frame. I even printed the picture myself.

  • I watched one YouTube video and now I want to start a zine

    I watched one YouTube video and now I want to start a zine

    When I picture what I want my YouTube channel to look like, Sean Tucker’s channel is pretty close. I like the way he sits on his couch and speaks to the camera about an idea that he has. Along the way, he’ll share some pictures and explain a few things. After watching one of his…

  • The story behind five of the day’s pictures – January 9, 2021

    The story behind five of the day’s pictures – January 9, 2021

    The sun was shining when I woke up today. As I stared at the reflections of light in the mirror, I told myself that I had to get up and get outside today. That was the motivation I needed to get out of bed on what I was hoping would be a rather lazy Saturday.