We got a membership to the YMCA on Saturday. We went to our first class today. We can’t stop complaining about how sore we are.
The class was called “MuscleFit.” I have no muscle or fitness. I know that now. I asked the instructor how much weight I should use on the barbell and dumbbells, and she told me to start with 15 lbs on the barbell and 5 lbs on the dumbbells. I chose 7 lbs for the dumbbells like an idiot. 15 lbs on the barbell quickly proved to be too much.
I can’t believe we rushed home to attend the class. We signed up for it last night. I wanted to go to yoga but it was full or too early. MuscleFit was the only other thing that looked all right. We changed into our workout clothes before leaving. Mine are sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. We made it to class just in time.
Bathing in my own sweat, unable to lift 15 lbs, and getting in only one rep while everybody else completed two, was made enjoyable because we did the class together.
I’m looking forward to waking up tomorrow all swole and shit.
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