July 7, 2023

I stepped way out of my comfort zone today and bought a pair of sandals. The idea of getting Birkenstocks has been rattling around in my head for a couple of months. I think they’re useful and pragmatic. Exposing my feet to sunlight is going to take some getting used to.

I’m committed to the idea of wearing socks with these sandals. I appreciate that I’ll have to wear them without socks to maximize their utility, but wearing socks sounds cozier. While wearing them today, my feet felt too exposed, even when tucked up, under the dash, next to the pedals in the car. A cooling breeze chilled the webbing between my toes. The rare sensation distracted me from the comfort I was feeling.

They’re going to take some getting used to. When people say, “Nice, Birks,” I’ll have to tell them that they’re actually Jool’s. Apparently, it’ll take about a week for me to wear them in. They should be comfortable after that. Driving with them was disconcerting. I had to adjust the straps. Eventually, I’m hoping to really enjoy them.

I think they’re going to be great when I need to run the garbage to the chute, nip out to get ice cream, or when I have to pick someone up. I’m not sure how long it’ll take me to wear sandals even to go grocery shopping, especially without socks.





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