“Say Less”

A few years ago, I came across the phrase, “Say less,” and it didn’t make much sense to me. I asked someone to explain it to me. They did. Essentially, it means, “I understand and you don’t need to explain any further.”

These days, the phrase has taken on a slightly different meaning for me. I want to stop talking so much. More specifically, I want to stop complaining as much as I have been. So, I find myself telling myself to talk less.

I figure I have two options, either I accept that I like talking and continue talking or I say less. While it often doesn’t feel like a choice, it is. I probably don’t need to say nearly as much as I do. And, well, I probably shouldn’t trust that other people want to hear what I have to say.

It’s taken me about a week to type this post up on my phone because I’ve been rather poor about investing time into my blog. I’d like for that to change. (Remember me saying this, then?) I’m going to try different outlets, instead of talking to people directly. This blog is first up. Journaling, an audio diary, and a video diary are the next three options. See, I think that what I’m trying to do I communicate with people and that’s not as easy when I’m writing or speaking privately.

“Why not just use Twitter or Instagram?” I feel like I have more ownership over this space, my blog, than I do other social media platforms. I have a smaller following here, making for a more comfortable, intimate setting.

So, with that, let’s see how this goes, shall we?


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