What do you think of my website?

What do you think of my website? Does it look good? Is it easy enough to navigate? Does it have enough or too much information on it?

I’ve changed the WordPress theme several times and can’t seem to find one that looks and works the way I want it to.

It’s important to have a website that looks good because presentation matters. People are more likely to read something that looks good on the page screen. If a website is easy to navigate, people are more likely to stick around and wander a bit…nobody enjoys getting through a busy parking lot.

I want to have a search function, subscription box, donation button, and some advertising on the website. Another challenge is figuring out how to strike the right balance between the images and text for the blog posts. Having all of this on a website that looks clean is not easy.

I’ve seen other websites that I like but they were likely professionally developed. I looked into some coding courses that are available through the public library but it’ll take me while to learn how to code, if I do at all.

For now, I want to keep things as close to the way they are now, at the time I’m writing this post. Of course, that’s somewhat dependent on the feedback I get from you.


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