Today is Navroz, a day to mark the new year and the first day of spring for some Muslim communities. After a week off, I’m having trouble turning my brain back on.
Lately, I’ve been giving some thought to how I like to memorialise events in my life, and how attaching them to a marker-date keeps memories in my head longer than they need to be there. I like marker-dates, like New Years Day, birthdays, and solstices. I like them because they give me a reason to believe that things will be different moving forward. “Today is not be a good day for change, but things will be different in the new year or after the winter solstice.” It’s foolish, really, but it’s a nice way for me to give weight to things that would otherwise be simple changes.
Every time one of these marker-dates rolls around, I think about what I’d like to be different. Every time, it’s the same things that I’d like to change. One day, I might decide to commit to change, but today has passed and tomorrow is just another day.
I like the coming of spring, though. It means that the sun will start to shine longer through the day, giving my blackout curtains more of a purpose. My birthday is in the spring, so it’s nice to get older while new flowers are blooming. I used to start fishing again in the spring, after the winter had melted from the mountain lakes and streams. This year, spring is just a nice transition of the seasons.
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