Tag: Medium

  • 100+ Followers and Absolutely Chuffed

    100+ Followers and Absolutely Chuffed

    Thank you, folks! I was quite worried about reaching that 100-follower mark but y’all helped me out and I crossed the line. Thank you.

    Now that I’m here, I’m planning to buy a membership to Medium so that I can read more of your work (and send a few pennies your way). Somehow, and I haven’t figured out how, this little run has reinvigorated my interest in Medium and the writers on it. I’m looking forward to reading more of your work.

    Thank you.

  • The Final Push — 39 Left

    The Final Push — 39 Left

    Like others have noted, one of the best parts about asking for and seeking out 100 followers has been finding some gems. There are a lot of people on this platform who are writing interesting content and aren’t getting their fair share of reads.

    The response to my request has been incredible. I went from 20 to 61 followers real quick, simply by asking. Thank you.

    With the deadline looming, I’m about one-third of the way away from reaching that enforced horizon. Certainly, I would love to reach that mark. Regardless, the support from the community in helping me get there is empowering. Thank you.

  • x2 Followers | 66 Shy

    x2 Followers | 66 Shy

    At the time of writing, I have 44 followers on Medium. When I asked for help with gaining followers, I didn’t expect much. I have to say that I’m very pleasantly surprised.

    Before going on, I would like to say, “Thank you.” I really do appreciate the support. Learning that there are other people out there, reaching for that threshold, made me feel a little better about the position that I’m in. Thank you.

  • Still Need 73 More Followers on Medium

    Still Need 73 More Followers on Medium

    Three more people started following me on Medium last week! That’s a success.

    I still need 73 more.

  • 80 New Medium Followers in Two Weeks?

    80 New Medium Followers in Two Weeks?

    Medium emailed me to let me know that I have two weeks to get to 100 followers. It got me thinking about the platform and what I want from it. My plan is to try to get 80 new followers and remain part of the Medium Partner Program.

    Some links:

    Medium: https://alygulamhusein.medium.com/
    Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/AlyGArt/shop

  • I signed up for Vocal+ today

    I signed up for Vocal+ today

    This summer was supposed to be full of writing. That was the plan. It’s always the plan.

  • My first two cents

    My first two cents

    Since signing up with Medium about a month ago, I’ve been endlessly curious about my stats. The prospect of earning some money through my writing is incredibly attractive to me. It’s not just the stats and money that I’m after, but it’s hard to deny that it’s a nice bonus. My real objective is to follow through on the challenge of putting my work out into the world consistently.
