About a year ago, I started making pens. It was entirely new to me. I love it. My interest in woodworking has continued to grow since then and I have everything to learn at each turn.
(more…)Tag: Learning
I made a wooden box today
My big achievement for today is making a wooden box. I’ve been wanting to make this for a little while now.
I learned a lot while working on this project. Sharpening my tools is probably the one lesson that was repeated most. I need to practice a whole lot more because, while I really like what I made today, I have so much to learn and so much more skill to develop.
I need a half-inch drill bit
My sister is very crafty. Among many other things, she weaves. She wants a warping board.
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Drawing for Absolute Beginners – First Drawing
I thought I’d give drawing a go. I have a lot to learn, but that might mean forgetting a good few things first. With some practice, drawing could become an enjoyable habit of mine.
Our first assignment was to draw a picture of a toy car. Here’s what I drew:
Drawing is a different way to tell stories. I’ve been turning to writing and photography to help me express myself and share my stories. Learning how to draw might give me a new perspective, help me focus differently when taking pictures, and give me insight into how to effectively write a description of a scene.
With this course, I’m trying something that I have never done before. Even with a hundred things going on and a hundred more ideas, I’m finding myself bored in the evenings. Taking this drawing course might shake things up a little.
Incense | a draft for my writing course
I wrote this piece for the creative writing course that I’m currently taking. Please let me know what you think. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you!
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Blogging, Vlogging, and Podcasting | Episode 5: What’s the Point of My Podcast?
I didn’t make much headway with the podcast this week. I got so far as figuring out what the podcast is about, what you’ll hear on it, and who might want to listen to it. I also only read one chapter of the book I bought, and have yet to answer the question that it left me with.
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Blogging, Vlogging, and Podcasting | Episode 4- Narrowing My Focus to Podcasting
Last week, I said that this episode would be about advertising, because what’s the point in putting this content out there if I didn’t want people to see it? Late last week, I decided that I needed to narrow my focus when a pang of anxiety struck me as I was trying to figure out whether to post links to this project on my Twitter or Instagram. What I decided to do instead was narrow my focus.
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Blogging, Vlogging, and Podcasting | Episode 3: Keeping Track of Your Ideas
In a 2013 study, researchers Kathleen Vohs, Joseph Redden, and Ryan Rahinel found the that a disorderly space can have a positive impact on behaviour. They found that people are more likely to be creative when in a disorderly space than when in an orderly one. They did this through three experiments.
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Testing Different Microphones
I’m having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to get good, clean audio recordings for my videos. So, tonight, I tested a few different options that I have available to me. Here’s the video that resulted:
In the end, I’ve come away knowing that I need to learn more about audio recording. This is going to take some time but it’ll be interesting enough.
Finding a Voice
Several years ago, when I had first moved to Toronto, I was going to a good number of job interviews. One of the most common pieces of feedback I got when I wasn’t successful in an interview or when I was being let go was that I was “too creative for the position.” At the time, and even now, it felt like a nice way to brush me off without having to provide too many details about why I wasn’t right for the position. As the years have passed, I think that the feedback might not have been too far off the mark.
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Oh, O’Keeffe
I went to go see the Georgia O’Keeffe exhibition last Friday night. I was hoping to have gone with someone but, as it turns out, I’m really glad that I went on my own. It was great to be alone, standing amongst a small crowd, with the pieces on display. (more…)