Tag: Family

  • My Mom Called Me Fat, Nicely

    Unsightly Image WarningWhen I was home a couple of weeks ago, I got dressed and met my parents in the kitchen as I was on my way out. I asked my parents how I looked, hoping for a little ego boost as I ventured out, alone, into the throws of the city. My mom promptly, without malice or remorse, said, “You’ve got a belly, eh?” (more…)

  • Remembering my Lunch

    My dad used to make me lunch every day that I needed it. He would ask me in the evening if I needed lunch for the next day, and then he’d wake up early enough to make sure that I had at least a sandwich to take with me. He did that until I was 29 years old.

    Now, every time I make my lunch, I think of my dad. I tried to buy him lunch the last time we went out together, but he refused.

    I think of my dad every time I make my lunch.
    I think of my dad every time I make my lunch.
  • My Maa Helped Me Move to Toronto

    I made it. After two, rather long, weeks, I’m finally settled in Toronto. I dropped my mom off at the airport this evening, after her two-week stay. You see, she came out to help me move. (more…)

  • I Didn’t Send My Mother a Card or Flowers

    I Didn’t Send My Mother a Card or Flowers

    It’s a tragedy, really, if my sister hadn’t posted a photo on Instagram, I wouldn’t have even known that it was Mothers’ Day. I love my mother, but I never send her a card or flowers on Mothers’ Day. I never send her anything more than a kind salutation over the phone. I should break this tradition.

    In any case, years ago, my friends and I went to a Boyz II Men concert during the Calgary Stampede – yes, the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede hosted a ’90s-era R&B group. I had a great time, singing and dancing, while everybody else there just kind of looked at me, in awe of my ability to sing every bloody word to every song, while dancing like a complete idiot.

    They played this song:

    I’ve since forgotten most of the lyrics.

  • Quick Conversation With My Sister

    Quick Conversation With My Sister

    Excerpt from a conversation with my sister:

    didn’t sleep well last night and just woke up. The driver will be here in a few minutes. Hope you sleep well

    Yeah, she’s got a driver for those rough mornings when she hasn’t slept well. She’s also got a driver for those mornings when the sun is shining, and all the clouds are rainbows. “Tough drive in this morning, little sis?” “I really wish the driver would get his air con looked at. It was so hot in the car. I’m sweating a little.”

  • From the Archives – I Am A Donkey

    Below is a post that I wrote almost a year ago. For some reason, it seems to resonate with me today.

    April 26, 2013

    When my father was here in February he said to me, “[Bernard], just be a donkey.” This has become a running joke in my family, and, sadly, I cannot live the title down.

    Strangely, this was not the first time that I have been called or told to be a donkey. The first time was about three years ago, when I was sitting at the wood of my favourite, but now closed, bar in Calgary. (more…)

  • A Quick Word About My Father

    A Quick Word About My Father

    I haven’t written much lately, despite having a good number of drafts waiting to be finished. My life has become busier than I ever expected it could be, and I’m treading water, desperately trying to keep afloat. Today, however, I would be remiss if I didn’t take the time to acknowledge the great man in my life – my father.

    This post will be terse and incomplete, but then, how can I ever write enough about praise about the man I admire most? I’m hopeful that the future will present me with enough time to sit down and write all that I would about him.


  • Protected: My Middle Name is My Father’s First Name

    Protected: My Middle Name is My Father’s First Name

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  • Protected: One Day I Was Born

    Protected: One Day I Was Born

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  • The Death of A Matriarch

    It isn’t customary to eulogize the dead in the community in which I was raised, and obituaries are never written. But, on the occasion of my grandmothers death, I will attempt to write a, albeit self-reflective, eulogy to memorialize her.

    She deserves that much, doesn’t she? (more…)

  • Welcome to Mariposa

    Welcome to Mariposa

    Last week was a bit busy, but I’m now stationed in Mariposa. I still have to make my way down to Toronto every so often, but that’s not much of a bother.

    Here is what happened last week. (more…)