Just over two weeks ago, on a Thursday, my watch stopped working at precisely 06:51:27. I noticed that it wasn’t working properly at around 06:45. It then took approximately another hour-and-a-quarter to make its 6-minute way to its end. (more…)
Tag: Family
The Teeth of a New Comb
Recently, I misplaced my comb. I’d say that it’s lost, but it can’t be. I live in a one-bedroom apartment that is no bigger than ~650 sq feet. More than that, I only ever put it down atop my bathroom vanity or at the end of my bed. Where I comb my hair largely depends on how foggy the bathroom mirror is after my shower. More often than not, I comb my hair in front of the mirror on my bedroom wall; my comb is usually at the end of my bed. (more…)
I held a baby for the first time in my life tonight
This is the first time that I’ve ever held a baby. Here are the responses that I received:
Sister: Hahahah you look so scared! But it’s super cute. Please say hello to Jordan and Matt for me! And congrats
Me: I’m terrified!
Sister: Hahahaha. You look it!
Me: Great. Good look for me. Loves
Sister: Well you don’t need to worry yet! I hope. Loves
Me: Hell no! Loves
Sister: Loves
Dad: Yam nice you look good big smile Loves dad
Me: Ha ha. Thanks. Loves
Maa: What a cute tall baby. Nice to see you hold a baby. Looks so good. Loves
Me: #fear
Zahra: *five laughing with tears emojis* You’re either going to be the best or the worst dad
Me: Why?
Zahra: Because I said so
Me: That was the first time I ever held a baby.
Zahra: Well good for you, you looked completely natural.
Me: There was terror in my insides. Terror.
Zahra: Yes I could tell
Me: You said I looked completely natural.
Zahra: I was being sarcastic. I punctuated it.
Whence is the Humble Teddy Bear?
For the last couple of days, I’ve been hunting for a bear, a teddy bear. I found one online that I really like, but the shipping costs more than the bear. I’ve been calling around to shops and visiting others searching for a teddy bear. (more…)
The First Few Days of My Visit to Calgary
I was born and raised in Calgary. I used to know the streets like the back of my hand, with a mitten on. I was able to get things done in the city, because I knew how it worked.
Not a lot has changed, but it’s different enough now. It doesn’t really feel like the same city, but, then, I don’t really feel like the same guy who left.
We’re coming up on four years that I’ve been away. When I’m in Toronto, I’m from Calgary; when I’m in Calgary, I live in Toronto. I haven’t been away long enough to belong to just one city. I guess, that’s just a matter of time.
I haven’t seen any of my friends yet. I came in on Christmas Eve, dropped my parents off at a family gathering, drove myself home, ordered a pizza, ate some pizza with my sister, then we picked my parents up. I saw some of my extended family for about 15 minutes. When we got home, we sat around and chatted for a couple of hours. It was kind of nice.
Christmas Day is rather boring. Everything is closed, except for what’s open. There’s not much to do, unless you have something to do.
Today, Boxing Day, my sister and I drove to a mall, then drove passed it when we saw how busy the parking lot was. We then went to a SportChek closer to my folks’ place, but my sister didn’t find any sneakers and I just sat on a bench. I was able to plan some get-togethers today, so it was productive.
This evening, my sister and I made a trip to Higher Ground for a tea (me) and a hot cider (her). While waiting in line, we both remarked on how the atmosphere of the place hasn’t changed, only the people. Our drinks felt hotter than we remembered them ever being.
For the last few months, I’ve been compiling a list of things that I want to bring back with me. Other than that, there are two pictures of the city that I want to take. I’m really just visiting Calgary for a few days.
Three days until I fly to Calgary for a week
This year, more than most, I’m quite looking forward to visiting with my family over the winter holidays. It hasn’t been that long since I was last in Calgary or since I’ve last seen my family, but I feel like it’s been a long while since I’ve not had to pay for laundry and used a dishwasher. (more…)
I’ve Always Wanted to be White
My real aim with this post – even though it feels incomplete, and the title seems unnecessarily dramatic – is to personalize a global issue. I’m going to address an issue, however rudimentarily, that I’ve been planning, and have started, an entire book on: exposing my identity. With this post, I want to become part of the conversation about what it is like to be a Canadian who was raised as a Muslim. (more…)
It’s Only Lonely Once Everybody Has Left
My aunt died at her ex-husband’s funeral, just over a week ago. I don’t know many of the details, but I gather that she suffered a heart attack while at the funeral. It happened on a Saturday afternoon, and by Sunday evening my immediate family was gathered in my one-bedroom apartment. (more…)
A Supermoon to Commemorate My Nanimaa’s Death
As life wears on, I meet more people who are getting married, having kids, getting divorced, and dying. Two years ago, today, my grandmother died. It’s neat that it falls on the same day as the first supermoon in 33 years. (more…)
My Dad Visited for a Week
My dad woke me up at ten to four this morning. As if it hadn’t been several years since he last woke me up, I said, “I’ll get up in ten minutes.” My sister had booked him a ridiculously early flight back home, to Calgary, for this morning; he was visiting me for the last week. (more…)
Health 2 Healthy
I’ve got two minutes to get this post out, because I’m in a rush to do too many things. Instead of getting right to the point, I thought I should take the time to mention the above.
My sister, lovely woman that she is, has started a new blog. She does this about once a year. This time, however, she’s committed to three years of blogging!
Her blog is about the life of a counsellor. I think that this is a really important exercise for her. Please let me encourage you to check it out and follow her, as she documents things. Admittedly, I have yet to peruse her newest online endeavour.
She’s smarter than me, so you’ll likely find more valuable information and insights on her blog than on mine.
The blog is called From Health to Healthy: The Life of a Counsellor.
I ain’t touching your baby
I just got back from London, Ontario, where I was visiting my cousin, his family, and six-week-old baby boy. Just before I was about to leave, my cousin sat down next to me with his sleeping child pressed against his chest. I shifted toward to the nearest armrest. (more…)