Tag: Creativity

  • January 13, 2025

    I am constantly amazed at what people are able to design and create when it comes to 3D printing.

    Back in December, I got myself a Bambu A1 3D printer to upgrade from my Creality Ender 3 Neo, which was just giving me trouble. The Bambu A1 is a huge step up, impressing me in every way a 3D printer can. The quality of the output it produces is at a professional level.

    One of the files it ships with is a print-in-place articulating panda. That toy is so much fun. I printed a pen holder to ship my pens in. Today, I printed a crayon-shaped crayon container. It’s incredible. The precision of the threads blows me away.

    What impresses me most is that someone conjured up that idea and designed it. That is the brilliance of the human mind. I’ve been messing around with making a self-watering planter, something that I recently saw a three-year-old video on. I’m kind of getting it right. I’m not sure that I have a mind, or eye, for design, but boy do I want to figure it out.

  • July 23, 2023

    July 23, 2023

    Creativity is a funny thing. We seem to value it very highly in our private lives but dismiss it too easily in our professional ones.

  • Taking pictures again

    Taking pictures again

    One of the good things to come out of 2020 was getting back into photography. During the summer, I even tried vlogging about taking pictures. It was a fun project and something that I’ve been thinking about revisiting.

  • You Have to Have Created Something

    You Have to Have Created Something

    As the summer is coming to a close, I find myself in a strange state of mind. The weather is noticeably cooler and the streets are busier, but there’s this sense that things are about to be so much more different than they were a short six months ago. It was March then, the start of spring. A time when the world should be coming out of hibernation and opening itself up to new possibilities. Instead, it shut in on itself. It got cold outside and people went indoors.

  • Finding a Voice

    Finding a Voice

    Several years ago, when I had first moved to Toronto, I was going to a good number of job interviews. One of the most common pieces of feedback I got when I wasn’t successful in an interview or when I was being let go was that I was “too creative for the position.” At the time, and even now, it felt like a nice way to brush me off without having to provide too many details about why I wasn’t right for the position. As the years have passed, I think that the feedback might not have been too far off the mark.
