Tag: Autobiography

  • My Year as Told Through Songs – 2013

    My Year as Told Through Songs – 2013

    I’ll skip all of the reflections and chatter and get right to the songs. I’ll write more about 2013 in a few days, because that’ll be more timely. (more…)

  • A Quick Word About My Father

    A Quick Word About My Father

    I haven’t written much lately, despite having a good number of drafts waiting to be finished. My life has become busier than I ever expected it could be, and I’m treading water, desperately trying to keep afloat. Today, however, I would be remiss if I didn’t take the time to acknowledge the great man in my life – my father.

    This post will be terse and incomplete, but then, how can I ever write enough about praise about the man I admire most? I’m hopeful that the future will present me with enough time to sit down and write all that I would about him.


  • Protected: My Middle Name is My Father’s First Name

    Protected: My Middle Name is My Father’s First Name

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  • Protected: One Day I Was Born

    Protected: One Day I Was Born

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  • An Autobiography

    An Autobiography

    I’ve grown accustom to taking a drive in the evenings, after my usual nap, to grab a coffee in the nearest city. The drive takes about an hour, round trip, and is a good time for me to reflect on what’s going on in my life and the rest of it. For some time now, I’ve been thinking about writing an autobiography. (more…)