
  • First Day at Teachers College

    First Day at Teachers College

    Today began like most other days do: I woke up. My darling mother, worried that I would sleep through my alarm, called me at 6am (4am where she is) to make sure that I was awake and ready for the day. She also reminded me to eat before I left for school.

    So, I woke up. Went through my morning routine, more tired on this particular morning. Then, I found myself running late. I’m always running late. (more…)

  • Tomorrow Is the First Day of School

    Tomorrow Is the First Day of School

    I start teachers college tomorrow. I’ve been waiting for tomorrow for about six months now, and it’s finally come. I wasn’t feeling at all nervous, until about 15 minutes ago. It’s after 11pm right now, and my first class starts at 8:30 tomorrow morning.

    Tomorrow will hopefully mark the beginning of more than just teachers college. (more…)

  • My First Laundromat Experience

    My First Laundromat Experience

    The laundry room in my apartment building closes at 10 pm. This is too early.

    Tonight I wanted to do laundry, but I couldn’t because it was getting close to 10 pm. So, I searched out a 24-hour laundromat in town. Can you believe that this town of 30 000 people has a 24-hour laundromat? Mariposa is full of surprises. (more…)

  • Math That’ll Mess With Your Head

    Math That’ll Mess With Your Head

    I just went into the school’s office to register for a brush-up session for Primary/Junior (K-6) math. You see, as part of my program, I have to sit an exam that’ll test my competency in math. I believe this is Ontario’s way of ensuring that teachers actually know math, before they teach it. (more…)

  • Welcome to Mariposa

    Welcome to Mariposa

    Last week was a bit busy, but I’m now stationed in Mariposa. I still have to make my way down to Toronto every so often, but that’s not much of a bother.

    Here is what happened last week. (more…)

  • I Prefer to Pronounce it “Ber-nerd”

    I Prefer to Pronounce it “Ber-nerd”

    I like the way the English speak. For whatever reason, I’ve come to enjoy the British temperament. My favourite comedies are British. Besides, what man, in his right mind, wouldn’t want to be swooned by a beautiful British woman? Or, at least listen to her while she speaks to another man, and dream it were him? (more…)

  • My Friend Once Asked Me Why I Am Not Writing a Novel

    It would have been about three months ago, now. My friend, a good friend of mine, asked me why I am not writing a novel. We were standing in a smoke-filled garage, at a going-away party for a mutual friend. (more…)