The 3D printed parts for the plant lamp fit together really well. I impressed myself. So, I designed the seed starter cups and sent them to print. While the test was printing, I decided to give soldering a go.
My dad must’ve shown me how to solder at least a dozen times. He used to fix electronics. Me, I didn’t. I might have tried to solder some wires together three times before, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Today, really was, my first good go at it. At least, I kind of need to get it right to make these lamps.
I figured it couldn’t be too hard. I closed the door to my office, so the cats wouldn’t disturb me, cleared away some papers on the desk, set down a piece of wood, so as not to burn through my desk, and tried to solder wires to LED lights.
I had to call my dad to clarify whether it needed to be a series or parallel circuit. He told me that it needs to be parallel. I said the internet said it should be a series circuit. He told me to give it a go. I called him back to say he was right.
There was an issue with the design, preventing me from running the wires nicely. I did a quick redesign for the LED brackets, added some vent holes, and sent it off to print again. Hopefully, I’ve gotten a little bit closer to getting it right. We’ll find out tomorrow when I try my hand at it again.
On a different note, why did Amazon say they would deliver my order on Sunday by 10 pm, then by Friday, and then today it was marked as delivered but it wasn’t?