January 14, 2025

For whatever reason, I want to 3D print planters. I imagine the idea is an extension of an idea I had for a cross-curricular project for my class in which they’d research, design, and build a vertical garden. It should be an interesting project but it’s going to take a fair bit of work to plan and implement properly.

Since conjuring up the idea for my class back in November sometime, I’ve been wanting to design, print, and sell planters, especially self-watering ones, for myself. I started working out ideas during the winter break, setting a goal to have one good idea ready to go by the end of January. I think I’m getting close.

Today, I felt ready to print out the idea I’ve been working on. It’s not entirely ready – the cups for the plants aren’t designed – but I want to work with something material. I’m hoping that all the pieces will fit together.

One of the interesting challenges that I didn’t anticipate was designing the parts to optimize the printing. I also need to print it such that I can wire in the lights. One thing I forgot to include is a water level indicator.

I’m looking forward to seeing how this turns out and what challenges will present themselves next.


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