I got my first woodworking book today. I’m thrilled!
It was a gift from my girlfriend. She saw it one of the two times we went to Lee Valley and then ordered it. It’s a very fitting gift.

After flipping through it quickly, I’m certainly looking forward to making all of the projects outlined in the book. Until now, I haven’t really been working off of plans. I’ve drawn a few things out but I’ve yet to follow proper plans made by someone else. It’ll be good to have a benchmark to work toward.
The book title is a little deceiving. It’s not a minimalist woodworking book. You do need a good selection of tools to make most of the projects. I think I’ll be all right. Buying more tools isn’t in the budget right now.
Speaking of, I do need to take pictures of the Mother’s Day boxes that we’ve been working on and then post them for sale. Two are ready to go. I should make sure to do that tomorrow.
After tomorrow, it’s going to be great to start working on something a little different while still working to build SANA Stationery & Gifts.
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