It’s Valentine’s Day. Yay. 🙂
I’m really not all that miffed about being single on Valentine’s Day. It happens to fall on a Friday this year, so I’m doing what I would normally be doing on a Friday. Just sitting in a pub, tipping back a few. It’s a pretty good life.
What’s different about this Friday is that I have options. I could go to a single’s dance, here in town. I might still. You gotta wonder what a single’s dance in Mariposa is like. I’m sure the experience would spice up this post.
I could still go into Toronto and have a great night in the city. I probably won’t though. I’m thinking I’ll head down tomorrow. I’ve never been drawn to Paris, so a city full of love might be too much for me tonight.
I think I’ve considered all of my option.
This post is more bullshit-y than Valentine’s Day. I should order another drink.
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